Saturday, September 23, 2017

French Toast and Blueberries

French Toast are my favorite. I been wanting to make some for awhile. Today my daughters are all exited because they get to help make the French Toast and feed the family. French Toast with some blueberries for toppings and a glass of Orange juice or a glass of milk. There are many recipes for making French Toast but this is what we used for our French Toast:
Ingredients:                                         Toppings:
1 cup milk.                                          Blueberries or any other fruit ( we are using blueberries today)
2 Eggs.                                                Maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon                      Butter (optional)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Slices of bread 🍞

•Beat together Egg, milk all ingredients in a bowl
•Heat a griddle on medium with butter
•Dunk a slice of bread into the mixture one at a time in both sides
•Put in in the griddle until golden brown in both sides

Add your toppings serve with a glass of juice or milk eat and enjoy

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